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Maxine Ahmed

Art and Painting has always been a big part of my life. I learned a great deal about the passion of painting from my late father, John. My dad was the local barber. He painted local scenes in watercolour and ink around our village on the outskirts of Bradford. I shared his fascination with local artists and their work which included David Hockney (whose hair he cut!), Ashley Jackson and many more.

The Dales are a constant source of inspiration. I am constantly in awe of this fantastic, powerful landscape. I am always striving to capture just some of its majesty and beauty, never satisfied that I have done the subject justice, which is my drive to keep painting. One day I will capture that perfect moment in time that I felt whilst out walking. I love to submerge my self in the landscape and will often do that , literally, sitting in a field full of wildflowers with the hum of insects all around, swimming in the river, climbing to the top of a hill....... what a privilege to be able to do that just outside our front door!

I feel my style is constantly shifting and varies depending upon the subject. One of the beauties of painting in watercolour is it's spontaneity. I'm quite an impatient person and am often desperate to get an idea down on paper. This sometimes results in some very dynamic work, which is great but more often will end up in the recycling bin! Watercolour is magic! It has its own ideas and I'm learning that control is not always what's needed. To let the paint do its own thing and tweak the results is sometimes far more rewarding.


Instagram: Maxine Ahmed

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